Friday, October 24, 2008

hourly range stuck between 868 and 888(10/10 closing price)

took a quick short trade in the emini NDX and DOW near the end of the day and covered too early for a small redemption to the horrible morning trading

sold a NOV 965 call at the close and bought an emini at 864
sold a DEC 1000 call earlier in the day on a panic

interesting that the S&P and DOW made lower lows than yesterday but not lower lows than 10/10 panic

not sure what it means but i will be Golf and dinner for the beginning of the Sunday trade at 6pm

Meant to mention that GOLD hit a speed line at $685 this morning and closed above the $705 area that I was going to buy at 3am.

bought CEF and KGC near the end of the day just in case GOLD has made a low only $240 (25%) from the $920 resistance (where i was trying to go long jeesh)

EBS made a nice recovery and I added on the dip under $14.4 early today (got filled at $13,91 nice)

if the S&P needs to finally complete the 5th wave down, a low in the Sunday overnight at 800 would look right

otherwise could be that the 5th wave is done at 860 hourly low at 2pm and a larger 4th wave to 1100 is ready to start

(i think month end and then employment report Friday still mean more selling next week)

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