Monday, October 27, 2008

crash alert or the bottom? - 854 breaks hard late and 8076 teeters on the edge

they have just taken apart any monday rally attempt again and this has created a setup for a crash over the next few days. the Hourly lows are being taken out into the close and the daily chart looks like a big down day all of a sudder

(an alternative count would have today's low at 825 near the end of a decline from 991 and just a mild spike down under 820 could be the bottom of the 5th wave down)

can't believe how i can trade from good to bad in minutes

shorted the DOW break at 8076 and bought a Nov 850 put and sold a Nov 985 call at the close

all of this activity protends some large action.

still thinking when to pull more money out of the bearish 401 k positions

gold and oil were looking good and then faded again

not sure what earnings reports are on tap

monthend is yearend for some mutual funds (?) and lower prices seems to keep bring more selling instead of less

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